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* [ Generic crash system for JSBSim aircraft] – Forum topic on the official FlightGear forum.
* [ Generic crash system for JSBSim aircraft] – Forum topic on the official FlightGear forum.
[[Category:Aircraft enhancement]]

Revision as of 08:06, 21 December 2014

Inspired by the crash system in the Mig-15, this system is meant to become generic and usable for all Jsbsim aircraft by adding just a few lines. For now you have to add a file with code though.

Features so far

  • Impact detection and tied into the new failure manager.
  • Over-G detection for wing stress.
  • Sounds.

Planned features

Feel free to suggest some in the forum topic linked to at the end of this article.

How to install the current system on an aircraft

Copy this code into your aircrafts Nasal folder as jsbsim-crash.nas file:

# A Flightgear JSBSim crash and stress damage system.
# Inspired by the crash system in Mig15 by Slavutinsky Victor. And by Hvengel's formula for wingload stress.
# Authors: Slavutinsky Victor, Nikolai V. Chr. (Necolatis)
# Version 0.1
# License:
#   GPL 2.0

var TRUE = 1;
var FALSE = 0;

var JsbsimCrash = {
	# pattern singleton
	_instance: nil,
	# Get the instance
	new: func (gears, stressLimit = nil, wingsFailureModes = nil) {

		var m = nil;
		if(me._instance == nil) {
			me._instance = {};
			me._instance["parents"] = [JsbsimCrash];

			m = me._instance;

			m.inService = FALSE;
			m.repairing = FALSE;

			m.exploded = FALSE;

			m.wingsAttached = TRUE;
			m.loopRunning = FALSE;
			m.wingLoadLimitUpper = nil;
			m.wingLoadLimitLower = nil;
			m.wingFailureModes = nil;

			m.input = {
				replay:     "sim/replay/replay-state",
				Nz:         "fdm/jsbsim/accelerations/Nz",
				lat:        "position/latitude-deg",
				lon:        "position/longitude-deg",
				alt:        "position/altitude-ft",
				altAgl:     "position/altitude-agl-ft",
				elev:       "position/ground-elev-ft",
				g3d:        "velocities/groundspeed-3D-kt",
				simTime:    "fdm/jsbsim/simulation/sim-time-sec",
				vgFps:      "fdm/jsbsim/velocities/vg-fps",
	  			downFps:    "velocities/down-relground-fps",
	  			crackOn:    "damage/sounds/crack-on",
				creakOn:    "damage/sounds/creaking-on",
			#	trembleOn:  "damage/g-tremble-on",
				crackVol:   "damage/sounds/crack-volume",
				creakVol:   "damage/sounds/creaking-volume",
			#	trembleMax: "damage/g-tremble-max",
				wCrashOn:   "damage/sounds/water-crash-on",
				crashOn:    "damage/sounds/crash-on",
				detachOn:   "damage/sounds/detach-on",
				explodeOn:  "damage/sounds/explode-on",
				weight:     "fdm/jsbsim/inertia/weight-lbs",
				fuel:       "fdm/jsbsim/propulsion/total-fuel-lbs",
			foreach(var ident; keys(m.input)) {
			    m.input[ident] = props.globals.getNode(m.input[ident], 1);

			m.wowStructure = [];
			m.wowGear = [];

			m.lastMessageTime = 0;


		} else {
			m = me._instance;

		return m;
	# start the system
	start: func () {
		me.inService = TRUE;
	# stop the system
	stop: func () {
		me.inService = FALSE;
	# return TRUE if in progress
	isStarted: func () {
		return me.inService;
	# repair the aircaft
	repair: func () {
		var failure_modes = FailureMgr._failmgr.failure_modes;
		var mode_list = keys(failure_modes);

		foreach(var failure_mode_id; mode_list) {
			FailureMgr.set_failure_level(failure_mode_id, 0);
		me.wingsAttached = TRUE;
		me.exploded = FALSE;
		me.lastMessageTime = 0;
		me.repairing = TRUE;
		settimer(func {call(me._finishRepair, nil, me)}, 10);
	# accepts a vector with failure mode IDs, they will fail when wings break off.
	setWingsFailureModes: func (modes) {
		me.wingFailureModes = modes;
	# set the stresslimit for the main wings
	setStressLimit: func (stressLimit = nil) {
		if (stressLimit != nil) {
			var wingloadMax = stressLimit['wingloadMax'];
			var wingloadMin = stressLimit['wingloadMin'];
			var maxG = stressLimit['maxG'];
			var minG = stressLimit['minG'];
			var weight = stressLimit['weight'];
			if(wingloadMax != nil) {
				me.wingLoadLimitUpper = wingloadMax;
			} elsif (maxG != nil and weight != nil) {
				me.wingLoadLimitUpper = maxG * weight;

			if(wingloadMin != nil) {
				me.wingLoadLimitLower = wingloadMin;
			} elsif (minG != nil and weight != nil) {
				me.wingLoadLimitLower = minG * weight;
			} elsif (me.wingLoadLimitUpper != nil) {
				me.wingLoadLimitLower = -me.wingLoadLimitUpper * 0.4;#estimate for when lower is not specified
			me.loopRunning = TRUE;
		} else {
			me.loopRunning = FALSE;
	_identifyGears: func (gears) {
		var contacts = props.globals.getNode("/gear").getChildren("gear");

		foreach(var contact; contacts) {
			var index = contact.getIndex();
			var isGear = me._contains(gears, index);
			var wow = contact.getChild("wow");
			if (isGear == TRUE) {
				append(me.wowGear, wow);
			} else {
				append(me.wowStructure, wow);
	_finishRepair: func () {
		me.repairing = FALSE;
	_isStructureInContact: func () {
		foreach(var structure; me.wowStructure) {
			if (structure.getBoolValue() == TRUE) {
				return TRUE;
		return FALSE;
	_isGearInContact: func () {
		foreach(var gear; me.wowGear) {
			if (gear.getBoolValue() == TRUE) {
				return TRUE;
		return FALSE;
	_contains: func (vector, content) {
		foreach(var vari; vector) {
			if (vari == content) {
				return TRUE;
		return FALSE;
	_startImpactListeners: func () {
		foreach(var structure; me.wowStructure) {
			setlistener(structure, func {call(me._impactStructureListener, nil, me)},0,0);
	_impactGearListener: func () {
		# TODO: damage gear failure mode at high speed impact
	_impactStructureListener: func () {
		#print("tst: "~me.inService~" "~me.input.replay.getBoolValue()~" "~me._isRunning()~" "~me.repairing);
		if (me.inService == TRUE and me.input.replay.getBoolValue() == FALSE and me._isRunning() == TRUE and me.repairing == FALSE) {
			var wow = me._isStructureInContact();
			if (wow == TRUE) {
	_isRunning: func () {
		var time = me.input.simTime.getValue();
		if (time != nil and time > 1) {
			return TRUE;
		return FALSE;
	_calcGroundSpeed: func () {
		var horzSpeed = me.input.vgFps.getValue();
  		var vertSpeed = me.input.downFps.getValue();
  		var realSpeed = math.sqrt((horzSpeed * horzSpeed) + (vertSpeed * vertSpeed));
  		realSpeed = realSpeed * 0.5924838;#ft/s to kt
  		return realSpeed;
	_impactDamage: func () {
	    var lat =;
		var lon = me.input.lon.getValue();
		var info = geodinfo(lat, lon);
		var solid = info[1] == nil?TRUE:info[1].solid;
		var speed = me._calcGroundSpeed();

		if (me.exploded == FALSE) {
			var failure_modes = FailureMgr._failmgr.failure_modes;
		    var mode_list = keys(failure_modes);
		    var probability = speed / 200.0;#200kt will fail everything, 0kt will fail nothing.

		    #test for explosion
		    if(probability > 1.0 and me.input.fuel.getValue() > 2500) {
		    	#200kt+ and fuel intanks will explode the aircraft on impact.

		    foreach(var failure_mode_id; mode_list) {
		    	if(rand() < probability) {
		      		FailureMgr.set_failure_level(failure_mode_id, 1);
			var str = "Aircraft hit "~info[1].names[size(info[1].names)-1]~".";
		} elsif (solid == TRUE) {
			var pos=, lon);
			wildfire.ignite(pos, 1);
		if(solid == TRUE) {
		} else {
	_impactSoundWaterBegin: func (speed) {
		if (speed > 5) {#check if sound already running?
			settimer(func {call(me._impactSoundWaterEnd, nil, me)}, 3);
	_impactSoundWaterEnd: func	() {
	_impactSoundBegin: func (speed) {
		if (speed > 5) {
			settimer(func {call(me._impactSoundEnd, nil, me)}, 3);
	_impactSoundEnd: func () {
	_explodeBegin: func() {
		me.exploded = TRUE;
		var failure_modes = FailureMgr._failmgr.failure_modes;
	    var mode_list = keys(failure_modes);

	    foreach(var failure_mode_id; mode_list) {
      		FailureMgr.set_failure_level(failure_mode_id, 1);

	    me._output("Aircraft exploded.", TRUE);

		settimer(func {call(me._explodeEnd, nil, me)}, 3);
	_explodeEnd: func () {
	_stressDamage: func (str) {
		me._output("Aircraft damaged: Wings broke off, due to "~str~" G forces.");
		if (me.wingFailureModes != nil) {
			foreach(var failureModeId; me.wingFailureModes) {
	      		FailureMgr.set_failure_level(failureModeId, 1);

		me.wingsAttached = FALSE;
		settimer(func {call(me._stressDamageEnd, nil, me)}, 3);
	_stressDamageEnd: func () {
	_output: func (str, override = FALSE) {
		var time = me.input.simTime.getValue();
		if (override == TRUE or (time - me.lastMessageTime) > 3) {
			me.lastMessageTime = time;
			screen.log.write(str, 0.7098, 0.5372, 0.0);# solarized yellow
	_loop: func () {
		if(me.loopRunning == TRUE) {
			settimer(func {call(me._loop, nil, me)}, 0);
	_testWaterImpact: func () {
		if(me.input.altAgl.getValue() < 0) {
			var lat =;
			var lon = me.input.lon.getValue();
			var info = geodinfo(lat, lon);
			var solid = info[1] == nil?TRUE:info[1].solid;
			if(solid == FALSE) {
	_testStress: func () {
		if (me.inService == TRUE and me.input.replay.getBoolValue() == FALSE and me._isRunning() == TRUE and me.repairing == FALSE and me.wingsAttached == TRUE) {
			var gForce = me.input.Nz.getValue() == nil?1:me.input.Nz.getValue();
			var weight = me.input.weight.getValue();
			var wingload = gForce * weight;

			#print("wingload: "~wingload~" max: "~me.wingLoadLimitUpper);
			var broken = FALSE;

			if(wingload < 0) {
				broken = me._testWingload(-wingload, -me.wingLoadLimitLower);
				if(broken == TRUE) {
			} else {
				broken = me._testWingload(wingload, me.wingLoadLimitUpper);
				if(broken == TRUE) {
		} else {
	_testWingload: func (wingload, wingLoadLimit) {
		if (wingload > (wingLoadLimit * 0.5)) {
			var tremble_max = math.sqrt((wingload - (wingLoadLimit * 0.5)) / (wingLoadLimit * 0.5));

			if (wingload > (wingLoadLimit * 0.75)) {

				#tremble_max = math.sqrt((wingload - (wingLoadLimit * 0.5)) / (wingLoadLimit * 0.5));

				if (wingload > (wingLoadLimit * 0.90)) {
					if (wingload > wingLoadLimit) {
						return TRUE;
				} else {
			} else {
		} else {
		return FALSE;

# Loss of inertia if impacting/sliding? Or should the jsb groundcontacts take care of that alone?
# If gears hit something at too high speed the gears should be damaged?
# Make property to control if system active, or method enough?
# Explosion depending on bumpiness and speed when sliding?
# Tie in with damage from Bombable?

# example uses:
# var crashCode =[0,1,2]; 
# var crashCode =[0,1,2], {"weight":30000, "maxG": 12}, ["fdm/jsbsim/fcs/wings"]);
# var crashCode =[0,1,2,3], {"weight":20000, "maxG": 11, "minG": -5});
# var crashCode =[0,1,2], {"wingloadMax": 90000, "wingloadMin": -45000}, ["fdm/jsbsim/fcs/wings"]);
# var crashCode =[0,1,2], {"wingloadMax":90000}, ["controls/flight/aileron", "controls/flight/elevator", "controls/flight/flaps"]);
# Gears parameter must be defined.
# Stress parameter is optional. If minimum wing stress is not defined it will be set to -40% of max wingload stress if that is defined.
# The last optional parameter is a list of failure mode IDs that shall fail when wings detach. They must be defined in the FailureMgr.
# Remember to add sounds and to add the sound properties as custom signals to the replay recorder.

# use:
var crashCode =[0,1,2], {"weight":30000, "maxG": 12}, ["fdm/jsbsim/fcs/wings"]);

# test:
var repair = func {;

Notice that you should edit the line underneath # use to fit your aircraft requirements.

In your -set.xml file under nasal tags add

  <file>Aircraft/[aircraft name here]/Nasal/jsbsim-crash.nas</file>

Add this to your sounds file:






Add some sounds to the aircraft sound folder that corresponds to the file names used in the above. (you can use those in the Mig15 or Ja-37 folders)

Optionally add these signals to the replay recorder:

          <property type="string">damage/sounds/explode-on</property>
          <property type="string">damage/sounds/crash-on</property>
          <property type="string">damage/sounds/water-crash-on</property>
          <property type="string">damage/sounds/crack-on</property>
          <property type="string">damage/sounds/creaking-on</property>
          <property type="string">damage/sounds/crack-volume</property>
          <property type="string">damage/sounds/creaking-volume</property>


As it is now you should feel no performance degradation at all from using it.

People volunteering to work on this

  • Bomber
  • Necolatis

Aircrafts that use this system

Saab JA-37 Viggen (version 2.83+)

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