Command line

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The command line is often mentioned as a tool for starting or setting up Flightgear, Atlas, Terrasync, FGCOM and other programs related to Flightgear. Many users simply don't know, what the command line acutally is or how to make use of it. This article shall help...

Windows XP

On Windows XP, you have access to the command line by clicking the "Start" button and then chosing "Run...". Type "cmd" (without quotation marks) into the field and hit Enter.

You should see the so called prompt now, which says something like that:


italic bold


Sublevel Caption


Or if it didn't work perfectly first time

   fgcom --help

returns the following useful info

   fgcom - a communication radio based on VoIP with IAX/Asterisk
   (c)2007 by H. Wirtz <>
   Version 1.2.2 build 163M
   Using iaxclient library Version SVN 163M
 OPTION                                        DESCRIPTION
 -d, -debug, --debug=                          show debugging information
 -S, -voipserver, --voipserver=                voip server to connect to (default: '')
 -s, -fgserver, --fgserver=                    fg to connect to  (default: 'localhost')
 -p, -port, --port=                            where we should listen to FG (default: '16661')
 -a, -airport, --airport=                      airport-id (ICAO) for ATC-mode
 -f, -frequency, --frequency=                  frequency for ATC-mode
 -U, -user, --user=                            username for VoIP account (default: 'guest')
 -P, -password, --password=                    password for VoIP account (default: 'guest')
 -i, -mic, --mic=                              mic input level (0.0 - 1.0)
 -o, -speaker, --speaker=                      speaker output level (0.0 - 1.0)
 -b, -mic-boost, --mic-boost=                  enable mic boost
 -l, -list-audio, --list-audio=                list audio devices
 -r, -set-audio-in, --set-audio-in=            use <devicename> as audio input
 -k, -set-audio-out, --set-audio-out=          use <devicename> as audio output
 -c, -codec, --codec=                          use codec <codec> as transfer codec (default: 'u')
 Available codecs:
       u - ulaw (default and best codec because the mixing is based onto ulaw)
       a - alaw
       g - gsm
       s - speex
       7 - G.723
 Mode 1: client for COM1 of flightgear:
       $ fgcom
 - connects fgcom to fgfs at localhost:16661
       $ fgcom -p23456
 - connects fgcom to fgfs at
 Mode 2: client for an ATC at <airport> on <frequency>:
       $ fgcom -aKSFO -f120.500
 - sets up fgcom for an ATC radio at KSFO 120.500 MHz
   Note that /home/hcs/src/fgcom/trunk/src/fgcom starts with a guest account unless you use -U and -P!

Also note that the current server ( works with guest account, so do not use -U or -P

External links


Windows XP Windows Vista? Linux > Gnome, KDE, Xfce

See also