Canvas popout windows

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Currently, the GUI can only be placed inside one view/window (see Docs/README.multiscreen) but it would be nice to be able to move windows between views.[1]


It's possible to do, but it's definitely not trivial. There are two showstoppers:[2]

  • Canvas uses nested cameras, not viewer-level slave cameras. You can only assign another GraphicsContext (another window) to slave cameras as nested cameras inherit their GraphicsContext from the main viewer camera. I think Tim Moore mentioned somewhere that he had a patch to move Canvas to slave cameras, but I'm not too sure.
  • CameraGroup hasn't been thought out from the beginning to support dynamic creation of windows. At startup the property tree in /sim/rendering/camera-group is read and the specified windows/cameras are created. I guess supporting this would require some architectural changes to CameraGroup.

