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Revision as of 13:21, 22 October 2013

WIP.png Work in progress
This article or section will be worked on in the upcoming hours or days.
See history for the latest developments.


As of FlightGear 2.9, the base package contains additional Canvas helpers to help with the creation of navigational displays (map dialogs or map instruments). These are currently under development and will change rapidly during the next weeks and months, so that we can come up with a generic and re-usable design for different dialogs/instruments.


Heavily reduce the amount of specialized Canvas/Nasal code in XML dialogs and instruments related to mapping/charting (airport-selection, map widget, navdisplay etc) and ensure that a maximum degree of code sharing is accomplished, regardless of the canvas placement mode that is used - bottom line being, it really shouldn't matter if a map is shown as part of an airport selection dialog, as part of the moving map dialog, as part of the navdisplay etc.


Cquote1.png I am planning to convert the MapWidget to use this code too, and then the NavDisplay. Support for PNG/texture icons as symbols will be needed for that, and I will also expose the 'route path' which is generated by C++ to Nasal, so a Canvas Path can be created from it.

There's also a long-requested feature to use the replay-code to extract the historical aircraft position, which would be another kind of data to show.

Deciding an API for limiting symbols / databoxes is going to be very important - the NavDisplay and MapWidget already have different solutions for that. In particular there's a notion of symbol priority - basically I sort the available symbols by priority, and the display can be limited to the most important 10/50/100. This is also the approach taken by some real world map displays.

The MapWidget also checks to ensures data-boxes don't overlap where possible - I've no clue how to do that in the current canvas code, however.[1]
— Zakalawe
Cquote1.png The route-path does need to be exposed - for something like a hold or DME arc, there is only one waypoint in the route, but the route-path contains a series of line segments showing the actual arc / intercept / procedure turn. This also allows for correct rendering of turn-ancticpated waypoints - in the future.

But it's simply a list of lat,lon pairs so exposing it is really trivial - will get it done in the next few days. The Navcache changes are also in now, so papillion and I will look at porting the ground-radar to the canvas, and supporting the v860 pavement / taxiway primitives in the future.

And yes, CanvasImage will be getting some improvements to support 2D panels via the Canvas for sure.[2]
— Zakalawe

Cquote1.png Supporting multiple airports didn't seem too difficult after all the refactoring that I had done already, and it will also be needed for all the other efforts (mapwidget, navdisplay, route manager) so I gave it a quick try[3]
— Hooray

Cquote1.png I did some experimental work on converting the map dialog last night - I need to have some discussions with Tom about symbol instancing, since the vector symbols I'm doing for waypoints, VORs and so on should ideally be shared. I'll let Tom speak about his ideas for that.[4]
— Zakalawe

Cquote1.png I'm thinking about using a separate canvas for each symbol so that every instance of it is just a textured quad. For efficiency reasons it would be good to draw all symbols to a single canvas/texture and put all quads into a single node. So probably I'll add a new element type for putting quads into a single element which are all rendered at once. Maybe we can even use a geometry shader to just copy the positions to the GPU and generate the full quads with the shader. Ideas and suggestions are always welcome[5]
— TheTom

Cquote1.png The issue there (at least based on the NavDisplay) is that there's quite high variance in the symbols, e.g. colour changes. For the ND I keep the symbols at greyscale, and colour them based on parameter data (active vs tuned vs inactive for navaids, for example) Definitely needs some thought, but I think it can be an upgrade - we don't need to get the design right immediately! I do like the idea of the Canvas managing the symbol cache texture, however, since generating it by hand (as the TCAS and ND currently require) is annoying.[6]
— Zakalawe

  1. Zakalawe (Wed Sep 19, 2012 12:34 pm). Using a canvas map in the GUI.
  2. Zakalawe (Wed Sep 19, 2012 12:34 pm). Using a canvas map in the GUI.
  3. Hooray (Wed Sep 19, 2012 12:34 pm). Using a canvas map in the GUI.
  4. Zakalawe (Wed Sep 19, 2012 12:34 pm). Using a canvas map in the GUI.
  5. TheTom (Wed Sep 19, 2012 12:34 pm). Using a canvas map in the GUI.
  6. Zakalawe (Wed Sep 19, 2012 12:34 pm). Using a canvas map in the GUI.


The Nasal module map.nas in $FG_ROOT/Nasal/canvas will serve as the shared backend for all sorts of mapping/charting purposes in FlightGear. So that GUI dialogs and instruments can use the same code. As of 10/2012 the module is still being designed, so nothing written here is set in stone. This page is just intended to document the whole process.

Open Issues

  • Supporting multi-symbol instancing at the core canvas/C++ level, i.e. using "pointers" to point to another group, instead of replicating it over and over again
  • re-implementing object "marking" (runways/parking) in the airports dialog
  • Refining the model API
  • Using the system for different dialogs & instruments
  • generalizing the currently required dialog "prologue" in the Nasal/open block (using caller() and closure())
  • supporting/addressing multiple canvases per dialog
  • support all major canvas placement modes (CanvasWidget, CanvasWindow, Instrument, Scenery?)
  • implementing a real MVC controller and porting the code to use it
  • improving the MVC separation further
  • resource cleanup (listeners & timers)
  • start using the canvas-generic-map dialog in more dialogs (route manager, map dialog)
  • port more dialogs
  • support use in instruments
  • add a stress test with multiple canvas maps per dialog, all showing different maps/locations, and being active


The design follows the basic MVC (Model/View/Controller) principle, i.e.:

  • the Model contains the data to be shown
  • the View contains the Layer (Canvas group)
  • the Controller contains the interface to update the model and the view (using timers and/or listeners)

The basic idea is such that each layer is linked to a "control" property to easily toggle its visibility (this can be a GUI property for a checkbox or a cockpit hotspot), drawables (symbols) can be put in different layers and easily toggled on/off.

Supported Layers

As of 10/2012, the following "layers" are supported:

  • runways
  • taxiways
  • parking
  • tower
  • navaids

At the moment, we are working on additional layers - in order to port the Map and Navigation display display to Canvas. This will probably require support for:

  • Routing (waypoints)
  • Fixes
  • multiplayer traffic
  • AI traffic

Full Example: Creating dialogs with embedded Canvas Maps

At the moment, the system (and its design) is still evolving - so nothing is set in stone, and most things written here should be considered a "draft". This is also why the system makes currently some assumptions and requires certain variables/functions to be specified in the dialog XML.

(For the latest information, you'll want to refer to $FG_ROOT/gui/dialogs/airports.xml as the "de facto" example of how to use the system)

Add this to the "Nasal/open" tag of your XML dialog and customize it for your dialog:

 ## "prologue" currently required by the canvas-generic-map 
       var dialog_name ="airports"; #TODO: use substr() and cmdarg() to get this dynamically
       var dialog_property = func(p) return "/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/"~p; #TODO: generalize using cmdarg      
       var DIALOG_CANVAS = gui.findElementByName(cmdarg(), "airport-selection");
       canvas.GenericMap.setupGUI(DIALOG_CANVAS, "canvas-control"); #TODO: this is not a method!
      ## end of canvas-generic-map prologue

Note the string "airport-selection" which should match the name of of the subsequent canvas section.

Add this to a group in the dialog where you want the Canvas to appear

  <!-- Instantiate a generic canvas map and parametrize it via inclusion -->
      <!-- TODO: use params and aliasing -->
      <canvas include="/Nasal/canvas/generic-canvas-map.xml">

        <view n="0">600</view>
        <view n="1">400</view>

	<!-- TODO: use params and aliases to make this shorter -->
	<!-- TODO: support styling, i.e. image sets/fonts and colors to be used -->
	<!-- this will set up individual "layers" and map them to boolean "toggle" properties -->
	<!-- providing an optional "description" tag here allows us to create all checkboxes procedurally -->

	<!-- These are the ranges available for the map:       var ranges = [0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2.5, 5] -->


	<!-- available layers and their toggle property (appended to dialog-root specified above) -->

                <init-property>selected-airport/id</init-property>      <!-- the init/input property that re-inits the layer -->
                <property>display-test</property>                    	<!-- property switch to toggle the layer on/off -->
                <description>Show TestLayer</description>               <!-- GUI label for the checkbox -->
                <default>disabled</default>                              <!-- default checkbox/layer state -->
                <hide-checkbox>true</hide-checkbox>                     <!-- for default layers so that the checkbox is hidden -->

		<description>Show Runways</description> 		
		<description>Show Taxiways</description>

		<description>Show Parking</description>

		<description>Show Tower</description>


Add this to the "Nasal/close" tag to clean up all resources automatically:


Adding support for new Layer Types

You only need to read this section if you are interested in understanding the underlying design, in order to extend existing layer types or create new ones from scratch.


  • callback to draw a single layer element (aircraft, waypoint, navaid, runway)
  • A new class (Nasal hash) that derives from the "Layer" class and implements its interface
  • A "data source" (provider) hash that provides the data to be rendered (i.e. populates the model)

The callbacks to draw a particular layer element are to be found in $FG_ROOT/Nasal/canvas/map, at the moment, we have these modules (listed in ascending complexity):

  • Nasal/canvas/map/tower.draw
  • Nasal/canvas/map/navaid.draw
  • Nasal/canvas/map/parking.draw
  • Nasal/canvas/map/runways.draw
  • Nasal/canvas/map/taxiways.draw

Each "*.draw" file contains a single Nasal function, named "draw_FOO" (by convention, not by requirement)- where FOO is simply chosen based on what is drawn, so you can make up your own name, like "draw_route" for example.

When implementing support for new routines, it is recommended to take an existing file, such as the tower.draw or navaid.draw files and just copy/paste and customize things as needed.

This is what the tower.draw file looks like:

var draw_tower = func (group, apt,lod) {
      var group = group.createChild("group", "tower");
      var icon_tower =
              group.createChild("path", "tower")
                 .moveTo(-3, 0)
                 .line(-3, -10)
                 .line(-3, 10)

      icon_tower.setGeoPosition(, apt.lon);

As you can see, the draw* callback takes three arguments:

  • the canvas group/layer to be used
  • the layer-specific "model" information (airport/apt in this case, could also be a navaid, fix or waypoint)
  • an LOD argument (currently not yet used).

The airport.draw file demonstrates how to create paths procedurally. But you can just as well load the vector image from an SVG file. For an example, please refer to navaid.draw, which is shown below:

var draw_navaid = func (group, navaid, lod) {
      var symbols = {
      }; # TODO: add more navaid symbols here
      if (symbols[navaid.type] == nil) return print("Missing svg image for navaid:", navaid.type);

      var symbol_navaid = group.createChild("group", "navaid");
      canvas.parsesvg(symbol_navaid, symbols[navaid.type]);
      symbol_navaid.setGeoPosition(, navaid.lon);

Once you have created your own "draw" implementation, you still need to have a data source (i.e. a "provider") that determines what data the callback needs to be invoked for. This is currently still a little "hackish" and still work in progress. So we have just a very simple MVC model at the moment, whose interface needs to be implemented.

For example, the various airport-specific "layers" all use the same "AirportModel" to be found in airport.model. In the future, other models can be found in *.model files. For a simple example of how to populate the model, just refer to the file "navaid.model", which is shown here:

var NavaidModel = {}; = func make(LayerModel, NavaidModel);
 NavaidModel.init = func {
 me._view_handle.reset(); # empty the elements vector and remove all canvas groups from the view layer
 var navaids = findNavaidsWithinRange(50);
 foreach(var n; navaids)

As can be seen, each "Model" needs to derive from the "LayerModel" class. At the moment, the only method that needs to be implemented is the "init" method, which is invoked once the Layer is re-initialized.

In this case, the init() method merely clears the internal vector using the "me.clear()" call, runs findNavaidsWithinRange(50); and then populates the model by appending each navaid to the MVC model in the top-level "LayerModel". Afterwards, the "notifyView" method is invoked to update the view (this will probably change pretty soon, once a real MVC controller abstraction is added).

Note that the model merely stores the data - only the draw* callback will try to access it, i.e. the lat/lon/id fields.

Also, the LayerModel class is currently just an extremely simple wrapper, all of its fields/methods are directly available to you:

# A layer model is just a wrapper for a vector with elements
# either updated via a timer or via a listener

var LayerModel = {_elements:[] }; = func make(LayerModel);
 LayerModel.clear = func me._elements = [];
 LayerModel.push = func (e) append(me._elements, e);
 LayerModel.get = func me._elements;
 LayerModel.update = func;
 LayerModel.hasData = func size(me. _elements);

That is, you have the following methods available:

  • new() - to create a new LayerModel instance
  • clear() - to clear the internal _elements vector
  • push() - to append new data to the internal _elements vector
  • get() - to get a handle to the internal _elements vector
  • update() - empty placeholder for the time being
  • hasData() - to get the size of the internal _elements vector (beginning at 0)

In addition, a bunch of additional fields are currently exposed to the model, because the design is currently not a full MVC implementation, so that we need to work around the lack for a proper MVC separation, and a real controller interface, by making handles to the enclosing layer and map available to the model, these are:

  • _view_handle - a handle to the layer (canvas group)
  • _map_handle - a handle to the layer's map (map group)

These are properly initialized during construction of the layer, but will probably be phased out, once the design has improved a little and becomes more stable - so please just consider them "helpers" for now, because we don't have all of the API in place yet.

Now, to actually make a new layer known to the system, we need to add another file that registers the layer. For an example of how to do this, please see navaids.layer:

var NavLayer =  {}; = func(group,name) {
  var, name, NavaidModel);
  m.setDraw (func draw_layer(layer:m, callback: draw_navaid, lod:0) );
  return m;

register_layer("navaids", NavLayer);

Currently, it is also necessary to edit $FG_ROOT/Nasal/canvas/map.nas in order to add your new *.model, *.draw and *.layer files to a vector of files that are explicitly loaded at the end of the file, search for three global variables named DRAWABLES, MODELS and LAYERS:

var DRAWABLES = ["navaid.draw",  "parking.draw",  "runways.draw",  "taxiways.draw",  "tower.draw"];

var MODELS = ["airports.model", "navaids.model",];

var LAYERS = ["runways.layer", "taxiways.layer", "parking.layer", "tower.layer", "navaids.layer","test.layer",];

A new layer hash is created by returning a new Layer object via "" which derives from the corresponding model (NavaidModel in this case), and setting the draw callback to the draw routine that we created earlier, in this case using the MAP_LAYERS hash - which, currently, needs to be extended in map.nas (but which will soon be changed such that it automatically loads all *.layer files).

The layer is registered at the end of the file using the "register_layer" call and passing a symbolic/lookup name, and the name of the hash that implements the layer.

Finally, to actually load the new layer, you'll want to edit your XML dialog file and add it to your XML file. For example, this is how the navaids layer is enabled:

                <description>Show Navaids</description>

How the whole thing works

This is targeted at people who are interested in helping improve the whole thing, so that they get a better understanding of how the whole thing hangs together at the moment.

For the time being, the implementation is specific to GUI dialogs - in that it will largely simplify (and even automate) the creation of GUI dialogs with an embedded canvas "map". This is accomplished using a handful of fixed assumptions, most of which will need to be addressed in order to support additional dialogs, and eventually, also non-GUI, i.e. instrument-use. Namely, that means:

  • that people can simply instantiate a "GenericMap" by including an existing XML file
  • dialog-specific settings can be overridden and customized (see above, or $FG_ROOT/gui/dialogs/airports.xml) - i.e. just copied/pasted
  • the GenericMap is a LayeredMap where layers are created for different features and linked to toggle properties
  • there are a handful of variables/functions that need to be declared in the body of the dialog's Nasal/open block
  • in addition, 1-2 function calls need to be made during initialization, in the Nasal/OPEN section
  • these are later on used by the system to instantiate all requested layers dynamically
  • first of all, this is the "setupGUI" function, which will create the requested layers, and add GUI checkboxes and zoom buttons to the dialog automatically