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{{Template:Canvas Navigation}}
{{Template:Canvas Navigation}}
{{See also|Canvas EFIS Framework}}

I am currently experimenting with building a framework for implementing a generic framework usable for every type of textual display (also see [[A standard CDU framework for FlightGear]]). The following code drives the AMU for an C-130J as shown in the video:
I am currently experimenting with building a framework for implementing a generic framework usable for every type of textual display (also see [[A standard CDU framework for FlightGear]]). The following code drives the AMU for an C-130J as shown in the video:

Revision as of 17:33, 10 February 2020

I am currently experimenting with building a framework for implementing a generic framework usable for every type of textual display (also see A standard CDU framework for FlightGear). The following code drives the AMU for an C-130J as shown in the video:

The framework should easy to use for different types of displays, so if you use it please provide feedback!

# ==============================================================================
# Avionics management unit
# ==============================================================================

var Screen = {
  canvas_settings: {
    "name": "AMU",
    "size": [512, 512],
    "view": [480, 320],
    "mipmapping": 1,
  new: func(placement)
    var m = {
      parents: [Screen],
      text_style: {
        'font': "LiberationFonts/LiberationMono-Bold.ttf",
        'character-size': 34,
        'character-aspect-ratio': 1.044

    m.canvas.setColorBackground(0, 0.05, 0);
    m.root = m.canvas.createGroup();

    m.title = m.root.createChild("text");

    # Left and right text rows
    m.l = {
      x: 8.25,
      align: "left-center",
      rows: setsize([], 4)
    m.r = {
      x: 471.75,
      align: "right-center",
      rows: setsize([], 4)

    for(var i = 0; i < 4; i += 1)
      var y = 16 + (2 * i + 1) * 32;
      m.l.rows[i] = {
        y: y,
        texts: []
      m.r.rows[i] = {
        y: y + 32,
        texts: []
    return m;
  setRow: func(side, row_index, config)
    # config can either be just the title as single string or an array with two
    # elements where the first element is the title and the second parameter is
    # passed to the callback function for hardware key presses

    var row_config = config[side ~ row_index];
    var label = row_config;
    var property = nil;

    if( typeof(row_config) == 'hash' )
      label = row_config['label'];
      action = row_config['action'];

      if( action != nil )
        var fgcmd = action['fgcmd'];
        if( fgcmd != nil )
          var args = action['args'];
          if( typeof(args) == 'hash' )
            property = args['property'];  
          action = func { fgcommand(fgcmd, };

        me.commands[side ~ row_index] = action;

    if( typeof(label) == 'scalar' )
      label = [label];

    var row = me[side].rows[row_index - 1];
    var num_texts_old = size(row.texts);
    var num_texts_new = label != nil ? size(label) : 0;

    # remove unneeded texts
    for(var i = num_texts_new; i < num_texts_old; i += 1)
    setsize(row.texts, num_texts_new);

    # update/create new texts
    var offset = 0;
    var i_start = (side == 'l') ? 0 : num_texts_new - 1;
    var i_end = (side == 'l') ? num_texts_new : -1;
    var dir = (side == 'l') ? 1 : -1;
    for(var i = i_start; i != i_end; i += dir)
      var el_text = row.texts[i];
      if( el_text == nil )
        el_text = me.root.createChild("text");
        el_text.setColor(0, 1, 0);
        el_text.setColorFill(0, 1, 0);
        row.texts[i] = el_text;
      el_text.setTranslation(me[side].x + offset, row.y);
      el_text.setColor(0, 1, 0);
      var text = label[i];
      if( typeof(text) == 'vector' )
        (func {
          var text = el_text;
          var prop = property;
          var fun = label[i][1];

          var listener = setlistener(prop, func(p) {
            fun(text, p.getValue())
          }, 1, 0);

          if( me.listener[side ~ row_index] == nil )
            me.listener[side ~ row_index] = [listener];
            append(me.listener[side ~ row_index], listener);

        text = text[0];
      offset += dir * size(text) * 30.75/1.59;

#      offset += dir * size(text) * 30.75/1.59;
  setCallback: func(callback)
    me.callback = callback;
  setPage: func(config)
    # move to full character position (move half character width on odd length)
    me.title.setTranslation(241 - math.mod(size(config['title']), 2) * 0.5 * 30.75/1.59, 16);
    me.commands = {};
    if( me['listener'] != nil )
      foreach(var name; keys(me.listener))
        foreach(var listener; me.listener[name])
    me.listener = {};

    for(var i = 1; i <= 4; i += 1)
      me.setRow('l', i, config);
      me.setRow('r', i, config);
  onKeyPress: func(key)
    if( typeof(me.callback) != 'func' )

    var type = substr(key, 0, 3);
    var name = substr(key, 4);

    if( type != "LSK" )

    var cmd = me.commands[name];
    if( typeof(cmd) == 'func' )
    else if( cmd != nil )

var AMU = {
  new: func()
    debug.dump("Initializing AMU...");

    var m = {
      parents: [AMU],
      screen_left:{"node": "AMU Screen.l"}),
      screen_right:{"node": "AMU Screen.r"}),
    m.screen_left.setCallback(func(cmd){ m.onCmd(cmd); });
    m.screen_right.setCallback(func(cmd){ m.onCmd(cmd); });
    var setStyle = func(text, active)
      text.setDrawMode(active ? 5 : 1);
      if( active )
        text.setColor(0, 0.05, 0);
        text.setColor(0, 1, 0);

    var propertyCycle = func(prop, values, texts)
      var row = {
        label: [],
        action: {
          fgcmd: 'property-cycle',
          args: {
            property: prop,
            value: values

      foreach(var text; texts)
        if( typeof(text) == 'vector' )
          # capture value in closure and add function which
          # changes style upon comparison with the given value
          (func {
            var val = text[1];
            text[1] = func(t,v) setStyle(t, v == val);

        append(row.label, text);

      return row;

    var page_hdd_pos = {
      'title': "HDD POS",
      'l1': "HDD 1",
      'l2': "HDD 2",
      'l3': "HDD 3",
      'l4': "HDD 4",
      'r1': "DEFAULTS>"

    m.pages = {
          'title': "MAIN MENU",
          'l1': {label: "<PFD", action: {'page': 'pfd'}},
          'l2': {label: "<ENGINE", action: {'page': 'engine'}},
          'l3': "<CAPS",
          'r1': {label: "NAV-RADAR>", action: {'page': 'nav-radar'}},
          'r2': {label: "SYS STATUS>", action: {'page': 'sys-status'}},
          'r3': "DIG MAP>",
          'r4': "TAWS>"
          'title': "MAIN MENU",
          'l1': "<NAV SELECT",
          'l2': "<ACAWS",
          'l3': "<DIAGNOSTICS",
          'l4': "<PREFLIGHT",
          'r1': "DEFAULTS>",
          'r3': "LIGHTING>",
          'r4': "GCAS AND STALL>"
          'title': "PFD",
          'l1': propertyCycle('/instrumentation/pfd[0]/is_pilot', [0,1], [["PILOT",1]," / ",["COPILOT",0]]),
          'l2': propertyCycle('/instrumentation/pfd[0]/baro_unit', ['in','mb'],["BARO ",["IN",'in']," / ",["MB",'mb']]),
          'l3': propertyCycle('/instrumentation/pfd[0]/north', ['mag','true','grid'], [["MAG",'mag']," / ",["TRUE",'true']," / ",["GRID",'grid']]),
          'l4': propertyCycle('/instrumentation/pfd[0]/fd_source', [0,1], ["FD SOURCE ",["P", 1]," / ",["CP",0]]),
          'r1': propertyCycle('/instrumentation/pfd[0]/att_ref_imu', [1,2], ["ATT REF IMU ",["1",1]," / ",["2",2]]),
          'r2': propertyCycle('/instrumentation/pfd[0]/cadc_src', [1,2], ["CADC ",["1",1]," / ",["2",2]]),
          'r3': propertyCycle('/instrumentation/pfd[0]/rad_alt_src', [1,2], ["RAD ALT ", ["1", 1], " / ", ["2", 2]]),
          'r4': {label: "MAIN MENU>", action: {'page': 'main-menu'}}
          'title': "HDD POS",
          'l1': "HDD 1",
          'l2': "HDD 2",
          'r1': "DEFAULTS>"
          'title': "ENGINE",
          'l1': "<ENG DIAGNOSTICS",
          'l2': "<PROP SYNC",
          'l3': "EMS DATA DOWNLOAD",
          'l4': "EMS EVENT RECORD",
          'r3': "HDD POS>",
          'r4': {label: "MAIN MENU>", action: {'page': 'main-menu'}}
        'right': page_hdd_pos
          'title': "SYS STATUS DISPLAY",
          'r3': "HDD POS>",
          'r4': {label: "MAIN MENU>", action: {'page': 'main-menu'}}
        'right': page_hdd_pos
          'title': "NAV-RADAR DISPLAY",
          'l1': propertyCycle('/instrumentation/nav[0]/full', [0,1], [["FULL",1]," / ",["PART",0]]),
          'l2': propertyCycle('/instrumentation/nav[0]/center', [0,1], [["CENTER",1]," / ",["OFFSET",0]]),
          'l3': propertyCycle('/instrumentation/nav[0]/north', ['mag','true','grid'], [["MAG",'mag']," / ",["TRUE",'true']," / ",["GRID",'grid']]),
          'l4': propertyCycle('/instrumentation/nav[0]/up', ['hdg','trk','n'], [["HDG",'hdg']," / ",["TK",'trk']," / ",["N",'n']]),
          'r1': "RANGE    2>",
          'r2': "OVERLAYS>",
          'r3': "HDD POS>",
          'r4': {label: "MAIN MENU>", action: {'page': 'main-menu'}}
        'right': page_hdd_pos
    var input = "/controls/instruments/AMU/input";
    setlistener(input, func(cmd) { m.onInput(cmd); });
    m.node_input = props.globals.getNode(input);

    return m;
  setPage: func(id)
    var page = me.pages[id];

    if( typeof(page) != 'hash' )
      return debug.dump("AMU: Unknown page: " ~ id);
    var left = page['left'];
    if( typeof(left) == 'hash' )
    var right = page['right'];
    if( typeof(right) == 'hash' )
  onInput: func()
    var input = me.node_input.getValue();
    var prefix = substr(input, 0, 2);
    var cmd = substr(input, 2);
    if( prefix == "L-" )
    else if( prefix == "R-" )
  onCmd: func(cmd)
    if( typeof(cmd['page']) == 'scalar' )

var node_pfd = props.globals.getNode('/instrumentation/pfd[0]/', 1);
node_pfd.initNode('is_pilot', 1, 'BOOL');
node_pfd.initNode('baro_unit', 'mb');
node_pfd.initNode('north', 'true');
node_pfd.initNode('fd_source', 1, 'INT');
node_pfd.initNode('att_ref_imu', 1, 'INT');
node_pfd.initNode('cadc_src', 1, 'INT');
node_pfd.initNode('rad_alt_src', 1, 'INT');

var node_nav = props.globals.getNode('/instrumentation/nav[0]/', 1);
node_nav.initNode('full', 1, 'BOOL');
node_nav.initNode('center', 1, 'BOOL');
node_nav.initNode('north', 'true');
node_nav.initNode('up', 'trk');

setlistener("/nasal/canvas/loaded", func {
  var amu_pilot =;
}, 1);