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Bindings define what happens when a user:

You can assign multiple bindings to one object/button/key.

All give codes are examples, found on various places in the FlightGear package.



Closes the active dialog.



Shows a dialog, which should be present in $FG ROOT/gui/Dialogs.

  • dialog-name: the name of the dialog, as designated in its .xml file.


Nasal is frequently used for complicated systems.



Increases or decreases a property's value with a given step. Maximum and minimum values are optional.



One of the most important commands. It sets a property to a predefined value.



Cycles between a list of values and assigns one to a property. The value-list can vary in length.

 <value type="string">ARM</value>
 <value type="string">DISARM</value>
 <value type="string">OFF</value>


Multiply the value of a property by a given factor.

  • factor: the amount to multiply by.
  • min: minimum value.
  • max: maximum value.
  • mask:
    • integer: mutiply only left of the decimal point.
    • decimal: multiply only the right of the decimal point.
    • all: multiply the entire value.
  • wrap: true if the value should be wrapped if it passes min/max. It is required to set both min and max in that case.


Assigns a random value (between min and max) to a property.



Sett the value of a property based on an axis, often used in joystick configuration files.

  • offset: the offset to shift by, before applying the factor.
  • factor: the factor to multiply by (use negative to reverse).
  • squared: if true will square the resulting value (same as power=2).
  • power: the resulting value will be taken to the power of this integer value (overrides squared).

Remember: ((property+offset)*factor)^power=result


Swaps the values of two properties, useful for radio panels.



Toggles the value of a property on each click, between true (1) and false (0).


Or - if defined - it toggles between two custom values.


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