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By default, FlightGear will not use anti-aliasing during the simulation. This results in incorrect rendering of sharp straight lines and very small objects. In order to correct this, you can apply the anti-aliasing function; however, this will slow down rendering and is not guaranteed to work on all graphics cards.


Anti-aliasing disabled Anti-aliasing enabled
Anti-aliasing disabled Anti-aliasing enabled

How to set anti-aliasing

Command line

When starting FlightGear via the command line, add the following two arguments:



Setting anti-aliasing in FGrun

When you use FGRun, add these commands under Advanced > Properties.

Qt Launcher

If you are using the Integrated Qt5 Launcher, then you can easily enable anti-aliasing by toggling the "Enable Multi-sample anti-aliasing" option from the "Settings" tab.


Anti-aliasing does not work with Rembrandt enabled due to GLSL limitations, but some graphics cards have hardware anti-aliasing which may work.


If preferred, you can choose another value for the number of samples. The number has to be greater than 1. The greater the number of samples, the slower rendering will be.

Thanks to fredb for publishing this information on the FlightGear forum.