Air traffic control

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There is the limited possibility of ATC with 0.9.10 and 1.0.0.


Menu ->ATC/ AI set the right frequencies and around your choosen airport you can read (or here with festival) the ATC-Messages. For that you have to check under options "enable ATC" If you check "enable AI Traffic" too, you will have some AI traffic (c172) around the airports.

ATC Chatter

Menu ->Sound Configuration Check "ATC Chatter" You will here some random records of real-ATC. For the right feeling! ;-)


Set the right frequency to COM1 with '-key you will have the possibility in some areas to send messages


Set the right frequency of the ATIS to COM 1 and you will hear the ATIF for the choosen Airport (unfortunately a little bit low)


Sometimes someone plays the "Tower" with using the ATC-Aicraft- you can communicate with Menu ->view -> chat or using predefined mesaages with Menu-> View -> chat menu. You can use FGCOM too!

There is not yet an artificial-interactive ATC implemented, so the ATC-system in FlightGear is still limited.